NM US-2701 Hyde Memorial State Park

First activation of the new year, and it took two attempts to get NM US-2701 Hyde Memorial State Park activation in the books. No internet or cell service, and valleys and deep canyons make this park a challenge to activate QRP. I chose 17M for both attempts. I could hear many stations on 17M and 20M but 17 was less crowded on both days. During the first outing, I used a ground mounted vertical (MP1c Super antenna) and only got 1 QSO (from KS) over the course of an hour. I checked RBN when I got back to our lodging and confirmed my KX3 was definitely getting out. However most of my RBN spots were < 20db and many were less than 10db SNR. Not accepting defeat, today I went back for a second try the next day and set up in the same location, at the same time of day. But time I scheduled the activation on the POTA spotting page before I headed out, and switched to to an EFHW up about 15th in an inverted V configuration....