Homebrew Project: Linux PVR
Today its time to put my money on the table and go all in. I ordered an NEC 2500A DVD±RW burner today! YEAH! cdfreaks gave it their "best value" award. Unfutunately I forgot to followup on the Hauppauge WinTV card I was planning to buy this morning. It's just as well because I can't tell for sure that it supports stereo audio encoding (verify the part number TBS) and the seller never responded to my query. Oh well, there are hundreds more to be had for the same great price! But Patience, Daniel Sun. Make sure the card has a well supported Video for Linux driver!

Other Resources:
MySetTopBox (KnoppMyth- a Knoppix based Linux Distro customized for MythTV)
The State of Home-Brew PVRs on Linux
DVD-Recording Home


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