WiFi Antenna Hacks for (Almost) Free!

I "stumbled" across a couple of cool tools to improve performance of your wireless router at home. The "Ez-12" parabolic reflector took a few minutes to make and really worked great. My WiFi router is upstairs. I got a 10db signal boost and my WI-FI connection quit dropping on my laptop downstairs.

Ez-12 Parabolic Reflector Template: http://www.freeantennas.com/projects/template2/index.html

If you are adventurous you might also try this. I’ve got everything ready but haven’t made the commitment to cut the existing wiring on my WiFi antenna. The parabolic reflector appears to be working well enough. At any rate this one was fun to build and beats spending $50 at Best Buy.

WiFi Antenna Hack: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/837885/wifi_antenna_hack/

Measure Signal Strength (Signal/Noise ratio) of your Wi-Fi Signal
NetStumbler: http://stumbler.net/


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