DX Century Club Award 5/9/2021

I've received the ARRL DX Century Club Award on LoTW.  The DX Century Club DXCC is Amateur Radio's premier award that hams can earn by confirming on the air contacts with 100 countries.   This is the world map with pins showing the contacts I submitted as part of the award logged at QTH EM12, with station callsign WX7V granted on 11/4/2020.

All with 100 watts and a wire antenna,  no power amplifier.   This was the moment I worked 9K2OW in Kuwait, which would become my 100th confirmed DXCC on LoTW. ARRL approved my DX Century Club Award application the following morning. 

 Thank you Hamad!

I have the DX Century Club framed in my office, right above my graduate degree from SMU.  The certificate is dated 5/10/21, but its still 59 in my logbook, and mighty FB too!

From here on out I can focus on my voice and CW skills using my new Mercury IIIs Power Amplifier I built a few weeks ago.   Also RTTY,  PSK31 and of course hunting parks thru POTA on all modes.  Digital, SSB, and CW.  Yes I still run FT8 just not nearly as much.

73,  Chris de WX7V


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