Homebrew Delta Loop

Since I’m still waiting on parts from Texas Towers to build my kit from M0PLK, I’ve strung some wire to create a very simple delta loop in my backyard using one center support mast that previously held my OCF dipole.  

A full wave delta loop cut for 40m should be about 48ft per side (1005/f MHz).  Do what you can with the space you have available.  Experiment with the feed-point to get the desired polarization and takeoff angle:

In my case the bottom of the loop runs 64ft, each side runs about 41.8ft to the top, giving the loop a total perimeter 145.6ft and area of 868 square ft.   The bottom of loop is about 9ft off the ground, the top raised another 29ft, bringing the overall height of the loop to 37ft.  

The ends of the loop are secured and drawn tight at the bottom corners with camjam rope tighteners and carabiner clips from Home Depot.

Very pleased overall- the noise floor across most bands is S2-S4 on CW and S5/S6 on SSB.  Slightly better than the ultimax 80/40 double bazooka I had up for a few weeks, and much quieter than the S8/S9 on the OCF dipole I’ve been working for most of the past year.

I’m using a 4:1 LDG Balun, and a Palomar ferrite choke with 9 turns of RG8X coax.  I’m able to match 40M - 6M using my Palstar AT2KD tuner.  The LDG balun is rated for 100w, so I’ll need to replace that before using the amp.


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