Morse Code Update - Sending Clean CW!

I've been practicing my CW sending skills using the Elecraft KX3 keyer and text decoder as its pretty unforgiving.  Someone told me that if you can get the KX3 to decode you're probably sending clean CW correctly.

Setup:  Put the KX3 in CW mode. Make sure VOX is off and the KX3 will generate a sidetone without transmitting. Hold the DLY button for 1/2 second to toggle VOX on or off . A VOX indicator will show in the display when it is on and a brief message will say "VOX=OFF" if you hit the paddle when VOX is off. The red TX LED should not light.

Learn Morse Code has this this handy chart to learn which direction to push the paddle when you're sending CW.   Push the paddle to the left to send a DAH, to the right for a DIT.  

Also is handy memory map when you're listening to CW and copying in your head.  Did I just hear an F (DIT DIT DAH DIT) or was that a U (DIT DIT DAH)?   Maybe both.... :)



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