NAQP SSB Contest Results

I had fun in the National QSO Party SSB contest yesterday.  I used the old Yasesu FTdx-3000 since my Flex is back in Austin for repairs (operator error - tuned up into a dead short, and vaporized R24 on Ant Input 1, but that is another story).   

Setup was quick thanks to the excellent Rig integration provided by Scott's N3FJP Contest Logger.

Operated off and on for about 3 hours while we got ready to host the after party for Ava's Sadie Hawkins Highlights dance.   

Worked 4 HF bands - 15, 20, 40 and 80M from EM12ub.   Made 89 Contacts with 66 multipliers including Hawaii,  Belize, the US Virgin Island and 4 provinces in Canada (BC, SK, MB, ON) resulting in 5874 QSO points for my claimed score.   

From the NAQP Website: "The North American QSO Parties are favorites of beginners and seasoned operators alike. The NAQPs are low-power only (no amplifiers allowed) which makes for a lot more breathing room on the bands. Small stations can generate very effective “runs” in the NAQP  contests. Multipliers count once per-band, which makes for an exciting format, as multipliers can be “moved” from band to band. The NAQPs allow stations from all parts of North America to be in the running for the top spots. The 12 hour format allows participants to do some great contesting, yet still have time for other activities during the weekend."

73, Chris de WX7V


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