Rhode Island

I had time to Play Radio as part of a work trip to Rhode Island this week. I activated two parks on Thursday afternoon successfully: Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge K-0516 and Fort Adams State Park K-2874. I didn’t have a rental car so waiting for Uber to take me from park to park was the biggest challenge - several confirmed and cancelled when they saw where I was located! 

This was my first time to activate using my Elecraft KX3 “shack in a pack”. Learned a lot and had a lot of tun. I had my doubts about the AX1 whip antenna but somehow the combination or low power and the compromise antenna worked including a few DX contacts in Spain, Belgium and Italy.  My last contact was a surprise- a 15M P2P with another OP also in RI. 

Enjoy the pictures below. 73 and POTA On! Chris de WX7V


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