K-3007 Fairfield Lake State Park

Thank you to all the hunters and P2P who helped me activate K-3007 before it closes to the public end of this month. AG5ZU Timothy Smith was also activating the park but I wasn’t able to find him for an eyeball QSO before I left the park.

Located about 90 minutes south of Dallas, the 2500 acre lake was created in 1969 when the Texas Power and Light Company constructed a dam on on Big Brown Creek to serve as a cooling reservoir for the coal fired power plant.
The lake is stocked with redfish, striper, catfish, large mouth bass, and even blue tilapia, which thrived in the year around warm waters from the power plant. Fairfield Lake has been open to the public since 1976, but the property is actually owned by Vistra Energy, which leased the land to the state at no cost.
The power plant was closed in 2018 and the the property has been for sale for about $110M dollars. A private developer has plans to purchase the land and turn the park into a high end residential golf community. According to many newspaper articles the state never followed thru on opportunities to purchase the property which would have preserved the park.
73 Chris de WX7V


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