N1MM+ SO2R with CQ WPX Contest

The CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest was this weekend.  I made just over 100 contacts and 43 countries in the first day, including many new ones that will help my progress for the DXCC Century Club Award for CW Mode.

I made the first 10 contacts using the Log4OM Contest Mode, which was very painful.  

At the recommendation of Jon NN5T I decided to bite the bullet and dig into N1MM+ Contest Logger.  

Boy and I glad I took his advice.  Not only did I learn how graceful a contest logger can be,  I was able to operate most of the day using the “Single Operator 2 Radio” Mode which was very easy to set up.  It took a dozen or so QSOs to figure out exactly how N1MM+,  FlexRadio, Slice Master and CW Skiumer worked together, but all I can say it that it was seamless once I had all the ports configured correctly.

N1MM+ is the worlds most popular contest logger, and there is a ton of documentation on the web, unfortunately most of which is dated,  I found a pretty good step by step guide from 2017 on the FlexRadio website and followed the instructions to a tee.  Link below.

Slice A = Radio NR 1, Slice B = Radio NR 2.   Macros and exchanges are automatically programmed in, as long as you set up your database and pick the contest details start a new log at the beginning of the contest.  There are many more features that I will explore in the future but I’m happy with the progress for today!

73 Chris de WX7V




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