Ham Radio Gadgets Ultra PicoKeyer KIT

 I recently bought the Ultra Pico Keyer kit so that I could have CW memories available when operating the FC-4CR, which itself is a work in active development with a bunch of us supporting Yu BG2FX with testing and hardware modifications.  

The FX-4CR will eventually be a great portable radio, and I’ll do a write up when the firmware is stable and field tests are complete.

The memory keyer kit was straight forward to build and I finished it in one evening.  The kit comes with a neat little 3D printed box, and you can choose different colors for the front like Thomas K4SWL did in his POTA Activation demonstration last year.   

The buttons on the front can be used to record or send CW from memory.  The dial controls the speed and is adjustable from 5 to 30 WPM.  I have my set to about 15 WPM, which is about as fast as I can copy (always shooting for 20 WPM hi hi).  They keyer works with either a straight keyer or iambic paddle.   Iambic is required to program recorded messages.

There’s no display on this kit, rather, the menu, confirmations etc are all echoed to you via Morse code, which is also fun.  Dan has written an excellent user manual, which also has a detailed reference guide for the setup menu.  

73, Chris de WX7V

PS - I bought the kit directly from Dan W7RF thru eBay, where he has a store under the name radiodan-w7rf.   It might be a few bucks cheaper on his other storefront at: http://www.hamgadgets.com/ULTRA-PICOKEYER


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