Hexbeam Results for the Nov'23 SKCC Weekend Sprintathon

The SKCC WES is the monthly CW straight key event sponsored by the Straight Key Century Club, held on the 2nd Saturday of each month and lasting 36 hours.   Each month has a theme which provides operators with bonus points.  The November theme celebrates our Veterans, and bonus points are given based on the number of years served by the SKCC Veteran operating.

This weekend was my first "contest" to really explore the limits of the new Hexbeam and I'm very pleased with the results:   I could hear many new European and Asian DX stations, including Israel, Malta, Gibraltar.   

Surprisingly  I never heard Australia or New Zealand this weekend, and never saw them on the Spotting page.  I was able to work Japan, Marquesas Islands, Alaska, Mexico, San Marino, Argentina, Cameroon, South Africa, France, Spain, England, Serbia, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and Malta.   Not all DX were SKCC members, but I worked them anyway!

Flexradio 6400M, 100W into DX Engineering Hexbeam (20-10) and OCF Carolina Windom (80-10).

73,  Chris de WX7V




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