January 2024 POTA Round Up!

 I was able to get four activations in this month - consolidating posts and pictures from our private facebook groups to document here for future reference.  

First Up was a New Years day activation at  K-4419 ID Fairchild State Forest in the Piney Woods area of east Texas.  Nice and relaxed outing, this was my 42nd. activation since September 2021.   To bad Texas State RR State Historic Park isn’t registered, would have been a nice 2-fer.   The pine trees were magnificent and truely inspiring!

January 5th:  I  had a great pair of activations today in Bonham Texas.  On the way to my last activation I ran over something on the highway and had a blow out.  No such issues this time!   81 contacts in all,  thank you hunters!   First I activated the Sam Rayburn House State Historic Site first.  The noise floor was quite site (S8/S9) and I was about to give up after making 5 contacts, but before I knew it I had 40 in the log.  Lots of intentional QRM, but “Mr Sam” would have been proud!  He once said “Any jack*ss can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build it”.    Bought his book while I was in the giftshop.   From there I drove about 5 miles away to Bonham State Park and activated another park with 41 more contacts.   The weather was mid-50 degrees and foggy.  The views were beautiful,  

January 13th, 2024:
Had a “quiet” activation today (no self spotting on the POTA APP) at K-6596 Richland Creek WMA.  Made some nice contacts on 10M including AK, AZ and VT using the Yaesu FT-991a and KM4ACK EFHW antenna.   Wanted to get one more trip in the books before tomorrow Arctic Blast hits Texas. 

Todays temp was about 61 deg F with very high wind.  Tomorrow’s temps are supposed to plummet to the teens and then dip into single digits on Monday.
Hope to hear you guys again soon!   Chris de WX7V


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