ARRL-DX International CW Contest

I put in some seat time - maybe 5-6 hours Friday night to Sunday morning for the 2024 ARRL-DX International CW Contest.     I worked 81 countries total, 350 contacts.   25 unique countries on 80M, but 50 unique countries each on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.  

Raw Score: 1041 Qpts x 226 Mults = 235,266 - Note: The raw score, QSO points and mult totals are estimates based solely on the individual log contents and are not used during subsequent log checking.

Rig was Flexradio 6600, with Carolina Windom Dipole for 80/40M, and Hexbeam for 20/15/10M.  

Antennas are up about 35 feet. 

 Chris de WX7V


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