DXCC Award - 100 Countries Confirmed on CW

I was able to get my 100th country confirmed on LotW last month, qualifying me for the DXCC / CW Mode Certificate.  My first CW contact was confirmed with K4KCG from the Kentucky Contest Group back in June 2021 when I first learning CW and relying completely on CW macros.  I focused on completing the WAS Triple play award in January 2022 before focusing on DXCC.

I continued to improve my CW skills, practiced my sending, but it wasn't until April 2022 that I joined the Straight Key Century Club SKCC and made the personal commitment  to completely avoid electronic keyers and macros when possible.  The majority of my contacts from that point on were made with either a traditional straight key, or a sideswiper, which is like a paddle but is a fully manual version of the straight key with horizontal action.  

Along the way I got the pleasure of working many countries during contests - the ARRL International DX contest is a good way to pick up many new countries over a weekend.   During the last contest,  I worked 81 DX entities, but most of those countries had already been confirmed from previous QSOs.   

After I installed the hex beam last fall the number of confirmed countries grew steadily.  I relied on the DXpeditions in the South Pacific to get me past 100, often paying the small confirmation fee as a way to support the expedition.   The final DX stations confirmed included H44WA Solomon Islands, ZD7Z Saint Helena, TX5S Clipperton Island, TO8FH Mayotte Island, T2C Tavalu, TX6D French Polynesia, and E51D North Cook Islands.   

My final LotW confirmation came on February 2nd, 2024 from EI9LB Ireland. Since then I've received confirmations for another 18 countries, putting my total at 118 confirmations!

The good thing about HAM Radio is there's always another challenge, something new to learn, and new bunny trail to explore.  I believe the hobby will continue to challenge and reward me.  I just purchased a Drake TR-4Cw rig.  With some TLC and much learning I hope to get this 20 tube boat anchor on the air soon!

73,  Chris de WX7V


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