Platinum Activator Award with US-3001 Copper Breaks State Park (TX)

Received the Platinum Activator Certificate today after activating US-3001 Copper Breaks State Park in North (West) Texas.   60 activations, 40 unique parks, and looking forward to many more.   This was the third activation that I took my dad on.  He listened to a few CW QSOs, then asked if we could switch over to voice mode so that he could record the convo!  

There’s a lot of history in each location, and a lot of learning if you stop to look.  We make an effort to go into the visitor center to learn a little bit about the park and its history.  We visited with the park ranger during the registration.  The ranger was super nice- when she saw my Texas State Park Pass, she asked “POTA, huh?”  Turns out her husband is also a ham and president of the local amateur radio club and does his share of activations!

73,  Chris de WX7V.


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