There was a time when I only focused on digital modes;  not so much any more I am 99.9% into SSB and CW (yes the original digital mode).  I'll still tune up WSJT-X when I see a POTA activation on FT8  or FT4 to help a fellow activator out but that's about it.  Oh yes and to remember how to "do it" HiHi.

However, I was intrigued by this weekend's RTTY roundup.  RTTY used to be the mainstay of digital HF transmissions, but is all but gone now, edged out by the simplicity and ubiquity of FT8 on the ham bands.  There's nothing wrong with FT8 - that's where the DX is these days.  Its just not that interesting  to me after working 1500 contacts and confirming QSLs in 100+ countries.  But I digress.

The annual ARRL RTTY Roundup began tonight.  

As Jon NN5T said,  "Its the best opportunity to work really hard into RTTY.   CQ WW DX RTTY begins on this Friday 7 pm CDT and ends on this Sunday 7 pm CDT, you can operate the entire 48 hours without any limit.  Bet you can decode some of the call including your callsign in baudot by your ear by the end of 48 hours.  AFSK or FSK, it does not matter, watch the radio temperature since RTTY is the continuous carrier mode like JT/FT."

I didn't participate in this weekends contest but I did listen in before moving to other things.   I was able to get Flex 6400 up on FLDIGI and actually see Jon NN5T in action (totally by coincidence!)

The waterfall looked great tonight on 40M and the sounds of RTTY were .... awesome to hear on the air.

Band Plan

73,  Chris de WX7V


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