New Delta Loop for Home QTH

 I've been having a lot of fun and success in the POTA program that I realized my OCF dipole at home is just not cutting it.  Not only is the noise level too high on 20m for any SSB contacts,  the performance of my ground mounted WRC out in the field  really has me spoiled for a better performing antenna that is suitable for my home QTH where I am limited to CW (and more and more rarely digital modes) most days and I rarely get good SSB contacts at home.

I've been in touch with Art M0PLK to get a kit of parts of build a new multi-band Delta Loop antenna to replace the OCF dipole I've relied on for the past year.   Reviews on eHam are pretty consistent in  reporting that this a great loop antenna for compromised spaces, and much quieter than a dipole.  Downside is that its not-resonant on any and requires a tuner for reasonable performance.  I've ordered a Palstar AT2DK tuner for my shack.  Delivery time is 4-6 weeks per HRO.

Materials are scarce in UK due to Brexit, so Art is willing to ship me the kit of parts without the aluminum elements.  This will save a lot of money on overseas shipping and will give me a chance to design the delta loop elements to fit my needs.  I might even due a "stacked" 2L delta loop?

To be supplied by Art:

-aluminum caps for a top bit to attach wires. 

-CNC cut base plate with all necessary hardware. 

I would need to source the telescopic aluminum elements (190cm each at 25mm, 20mm and 16mm, with 2mm wall) to build each arm of the delta loop.


M0PLK Field Report:

SP9WOL Variant for 20M:  

Telescopic Tubing Sources:


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