Fairfield Lake State Park POTA Activation #8

I had fun on Sunday activating K-3007 Fairfield Lake State Park, Texas. My new HAMRS “Every Day is Field Day” hoodie kept me nice and warm!

First activation of the new year with a goal of getting 15M going. Sadly I only logged 7 contacts in the first hour but was able to QSY and get a few three more contacts on 17m, then for fun a added a few P2P on 20 and 40M before calling it a day.

Thank you for those who hunted and tried to hunt me. 15M was definitely tough today!

Yaesu 991a, 100 watts into Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop. I got very good signal reports for those who could here me on 15M then worked a few more parks from on 15 when I got home. Next time I work 15M I’ll try my wolf river coil vertical.

Chris de WX7V


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