North America QSO Party - CW

I really enjoyed the North American QSO Party this past weekend.  QSO parties are great for low power  (100W) operators like me, and the 12 hour format ensures I have time to do other things on the weekend.  

I used Flexradio 6400, N3FJP NAQP Contest Log, and CW Skimmer to help with decodes.   All CW was sent from the PC using the Flexradio CAT Winkeyer emulation in ACLOG.  

The first QSOs were made via CWX.   I then switched to FRrig which  works well for CWT.  But I found my rhythm by sending CW directly from the contest logger.   F1 set up to send WX7V, and F2 to send WX7V Chris TX.   I also configured additional function  keys to individually send Name, State and Tu 73 to resend specific elements of the exchange when necessary.

The exchange is easy - listen for CQ,  toss out your call sign, then respond with Call sign, operator name and station location SPC (state, province or country),  then log the contact before moving on.  

I worked six hours and completed 202 QSOs across 15M, 20M 40M and 80M bands.   My operating goal was to make at least 50 contacts per band, and try and snag contacts with AK, WY and MS to complete my ARRL WAS Triple Play award.   

I started on 15M, the moved up the bands as the afternoon progressed, with a little time off for breaks.  I finished the evening on 80M.  

PS:  I got two of three states confirmed via LoTW:
WY - WY7M (Charles G Gerarden) 
AK KL2R (Two Rivers Contest Club)

MS remains!


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