I received the Hauppauge WinTv-PVR 250 from NewEgg - $139 for the retail edition, which includes the remote control, bundled software and free shipping! I installed it on my son's 2.6GHz eMachine running WinXP on Friday night. Everything worked nicely out of the box. I was able to use the bundled software to edit the MPEG capture files and compare recordings from LiveTV as well as the home videos from my Sony Camcorder (which connects to the card's composite Video-Input).
The Hauppauge bundle includes Ulead DVD MovieFactory (a $99 value if you need to order it directly from Ulead). MovieFactory has the ability to create custom menus with individual titles, chapters, etc, select film clips for each title, edit the menu soundtrack, back ground, etc. This is a nice piece of software in that it allows you to burn directly the mpeg files directoy to the DVD writer, to create a DVD-ISO image, or to save the raw IFO and VOB files directly into the standard Audio_...
Showing posts from March 28, 2004