Activating K-0454 Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - NJ
This morning I had the chance to activate K-0454 as part of the Early Shift before work. I got to the park just before 7am ET and found an out of the way place to park my rented POTA Rig (a very fun to drive Honda CR-V Hybrid). It took me nearly 30 minutes to get set up because I kept fiddling around and messing up the most basic things. First I couldn’t find my MacBook Air that I use for HAMRS - figured I left it back in the hotel. Then I couldn’t find a pen and paper for manual logging, other than the envelop with my license and FAA/TSA/Airline related Lithium battery transportation policies that I keep in my Go Pouch. I spent a few minutes to see if I could get HAMRS loaded on my work tablet, but (wisely) decided against that. A few more minutes to experiment with the manual logging screen directly in the POTA Website. I was about to Call it a Day when I noticed the MacBook was in my backpack after all! Next, I used a 16oz Weav...