
Mosley Mini Beam Antenna

I’m considering a Mosley Mini-32A for a “modest” contest antenna that I think is suitable for my QTH. I think they Mosley looks better than a Hexbeam, ways half as much, and has slightly better performance. A push mast is probably suitable for this mini beam. The W8IO 45LT rooftop tower is probably overkill and would be a challenge to install in my attic. The Glen Martin RT-424 is very popular but is not in production. eHAM reviews are mixed. The mini is a compromise over a full size yagi as it uses traps for automatic band switching with no need for a tuner in the ham shack. Based on the majority of the feedback I believe the performance will be great for daily POTA hunting and casual contesting. Mosley Product Specs

ARRL November Sweepstakes

For the ARRL November Sweepstakes I operated in the MULTI class, with the assistance of DX Spotting.  My strategy was to work all states, and as many sections as possible and I'm pretty happy with the results. Rig was my FlexRadio 6400M at 100 watts fed into a 40-6M OCF dipole using an inverted v configuration at 37ft.  I didn't use the Mercury IIIs amplifier because I used the internal tuner on the FlexRadio for quick band changes. QSO contacts were spread more or less evenly across the 15M, 20M and 40M bands.  I really loved 15 this weekend- it wasn't as crowded as 20m and 40m, contacts were easy to make, and the noise floor was noticeably quieter.  Some day I'll get that contest antenna / rotator setup. Logging was done using N3FJP's Contest log.  As a bonus I configured the logger to use the FlexRadio.API so that spots were sent directly to the panadapter on my FlexRadio's SmartSDR application.   After the contest was over, I submitted my logs onli...

Morse Code Update - Sending Clean CW!

I've been practicing my CW sending skills using the Elecraft KX3 keyer and text decoder as its pretty unforgiving.  Someone told me that if you can get the KX3 to decode you're probably sending clean CW correctly. Setup :  Put the KX3 in CW mode. Make sure VOX is off and the KX3 will generate a sidetone without transmitting. Hold the DLY button for 1/2 second to toggle VOX on or off . A VOX indicator will show in the display when it is on and a brief message will say "VOX=OFF" if you hit the paddle when VOX is off. The red TX LED should not light. Learn Morse Code has this this handy chart to learn which direction to push the paddle when you're sending CW.   Push the paddle to the left to send a DAH, to the right for a DIT.   Also is handy memory map when you're listening to CW and copying in your head.  Did I just hear an F (DIT DIT DAH DIT) or was that a U (DIT DIT DAH)?   Maybe both.... :)  

HD8R DXpedition to Galapagos Island (DXFriends)

HD8R was active from October 26th to November 7th.  Glad I decided to hunt them on the last two days of their DXpedition !   Worked and confirmed 40M CW on Saturday 11/6, and 15M SSB on Sunday 11/7.    The CW contact was made at my Dallas QTH (EM12ou), using my FlexRadio 6400 and the 40M Delta Loop to send and CW-SKIMMER for receive assistance (I was able to head copy when they sent my call sign).  SSB was at the lakehouse (EM12ub) using my FTdx3000 and Wolf River Coil vertical tuned to 15M at 1.45 SWR.   I did not try FT8 but lots of members of the Richardson Wireless Klub did via WSJT-X Fox and Hound mode. The Galápagos Islands are about 2327 miles from Dallas TX!  Pictures and video below.    PS:  A DXpedition is an expedition to what is considered an exotic place (Island or Country) by amateur radio operators because there are very few radio amateurs active from that place. 73 Chris de WX7V  

Wolf River Coil SB 1000 Platinum - 213" Whip Antenna Tuning Guide W0DHZ - Dale Henninger

 Love my Wolf Rive Coil Antenna for POTA use but I haven’t marked it up (yet) to facilitate quick band changes while out in the field.   Here are some notes to use as a starting point based on the work by W0DHZ Dale Henninger: 102″ Telescoping Whip Band Whip Length Coil Position 6m Only 1st section of whip extended No Clicks – Top of Coil 10m 3 sections out + 6″ of 4th section No Clicks – Top of Coil 40m All sections out 3 Fingers Down 213″ Telescoping Whip Band Whip Length Coil Position 10m 8 sections out + 1″ of 9th section No Clicks – Top of Coil 20m 9 sections out + 13″ of 10th section No Clicks – Top of Coil 40m All sections extended 16 clicks down Reminder to subtract the length of the Wolf River Coils SB-1000 coil from the 1/4 Wave lengths above.

Homebrew Delta Loop

Since I’m still waiting on parts from Texas Towers to build my kit from M0PLK, I’ve strung some wire to create a very simple delta loop in my backyard using one center support mast that previously held my OCF dipole.   A full wave delta loop cut for 40m should be about 48ft per side (1005/f MHz).  Do what you can with the space you have available.  Experiment with the feed-point to get the desired polarization and takeoff angle: In my case the bottom of the loop runs 64ft, each side runs about 41.8ft to the top, giving the loop a total perimeter 145.6ft and area of 868 square ft.   The bottom of loop is about 9ft off the ground, the top raised another 29ft, bringing the overall height of the loop to 37ft.   The ends of the loop are secured and drawn tight at the bottom corners with camjam rope tighteners and carabiner clips from Home Depot. Very pleased overall- the noise floor across most bands is S2-S4 on CW and S5/S6 on SSB.  Slightly better than the ult...

SP9WOL 14MHz Delta Loop Construction

  Posting for reference and future credits as I homebrew my own delta loop based on versions of Art’s M0PLK and Michal’s SP9WOL’s designs.   I’ve sourced everything needed to build my own except for the for the aluminum elements needed for the arms.   These have been on back order for more than a month at Texas Towers here in Dallas (Plano Texas).   I will be using 6ft lengths of 1.00”, 0.875” and 0.750” telescoping round tubing which will be about a 12 inches short of the original design.


There was a time when I only focused on digital modes;  not so much any more I am 99.9% into SSB and CW (yes the original digital mode).  I'll still tune up WSJT-X when I see a POTA activation on FT8  or FT4 to help a fellow activator out but that's about it.  Oh yes and to remember how to "do it" HiHi. However, I was intrigued by this weekend's RTTY roundup.  RTTY used to be the mainstay of digital HF transmissions, but is all but gone now, edged out by the simplicity and ubiquity of FT8 on the ham bands.  There's nothing wrong with FT8 - that's where the DX is these days.  Its just not that interesting  to me after working 1500 contacts and confirming QSLs in 100+ countries.  But I digress. The annual ARRL RTTY Roundup began tonight.   As Jon NN5T said,  " Its the best opportunity to work really hard into RTTY.   CQ WW DX RTTY begins on this Friday 7 pm CDT and ends on this Sunday 7 pm CDT, you can operate the entir...

New Delta Loop for Home QTH

 I've been having a lot of fun and success in the POTA program that I realized my OCF dipole at home is just not cutting it.  Not only is the noise level too high on 20m for any SSB contacts,  the performance of my ground mounted WRC out in the field  really has me spoiled for a better performing antenna that is suitable for my home QTH where I am limited to CW (and more and more rarely digital modes) most days and I rarely get good SSB contacts at home. I've been in touch with Art M0PLK to get a kit of parts of build a new multi-band Delta Loop antenna to replace the OCF dipole I've relied on for the past year.    Reviews on eHam are pretty consistent in  reporting that this a great loop antenna for compromised spaces, and much quieter than a dipole.  Downside is that its not-resonant on any and requires a tuner for reasonable performance.  I've ordered a Palstar AT2DK tuner for my shack.  Delivery time is 4-6 weeks per HRO. Materials...

K-4423 Spring Creek Forest State Preserve

Activated K-4423 Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Dallas County hunting park to park activators only. Equipment today was my Yaesu 991a, 50w fed into Wolf River Coil TIA. Good to see fellow RWK Club Member Don Weeks N5SKT who is working on his Kilo award at K-4423 today. GL today Don! This park is pretty special. Today I learned the land was conserved after much effort because it contains an old-growth virgin forest. According to Wikipedia the existence of virgin forest within city limits is highly unusual, as the 19th Century settlers in the area typically cut down the forests for use in construction or to clear land for farming. I took some extra pictures to document the beauty of this park. 73, Chris de WX7V

POTA K-4371 LBJ National Grasslands

Activated Park K-4371 LBJ National Grasslands this morning. Beautiful National park just a few miles north of Decatur, TX. I’ve driven past the signs for this park maybe a hundred times in the past 30 years but was always to busy to stop!   82 QSOs in 90 Minutes including 15 park to park contacts. Thanks to all the hunters who helped make my activation a successful and fun one! Yaesu-991a transmitting at 50w into my Wolf River Coil antenna, standard 102” whip. 73 Chris de WX7V

Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area reference K-6596

Fun activation yesterday at Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area reference K-6596.   41 QSOs in 45 minutes with several Park to Park.   Parks on the Air (POTA).  All 20m SSB.  Wolf River Coil with 103” whip fed into my Yaesu 991a. No park tables or chairs so operated out of the back of my Jeep and used the toolbox as a seat.  Permits required for entry into WMAs so please check requirements or your state ahead of time.  I already have the Texas State Park Pass but you also need either a LPU or an AHP with valid hunting license.  Both can be purchased on line. c

POTA K2996 Cedar Hill State Park

Spent the afternoon at Cedar Hill State Park K-2996 for a Parks on the Air (POTA) activity. I made 40 QSOs on my Yaesu 991a HF radio using the new Wolf River Coil vertical antenna - the combo worked very well at 50 watts on 20M. Thanks to all the Hunters who helped make my first activation a success!!!

Having Fun with CW

 I've really learned alot about CW over the past month, exchanging QSOs in 31 states and 19 countries.  One think I've noticed is most people like to ragchew, and are a bit relaxed on the CW script I was focused on memorizing when I started out. I have read a two good CW operations books that are short and sweet, and full of useful information: Morse Code Operating for Amateur Radio  by ARRL. CW Geek's Guide to Having Fun with Morse Code  by Dan Romanchik.  I exchanged a nice QSO with Dan (KB6NU) on 8/3 and saw reference to this book on his QRZ page. Personal rules of thumb: -Use 3x2 when calling CQ.  example cq cq cq de wx7v wx7v k -Use 1x2 when answering CQ.  example TheirCall de wx7v wx7v k -Answering a cq or being answered  - repeat rst, name and qts 2 times. -Stick to the  pro-signs R (Roger), BT  (new thought), K (over), SK (done), ee (two bits, really done) -Use the macros for RIG, ANT and WX only if it seems the other statio...

Setting up RF Pre-Amp Antenna Gain Properly on the Flexradio 6XXX

Copied from this flexradio helpdesk forum for reference. As a rule of thumb, you want your antenna noise to show an increase in your S-meter by 8-10 dB and no more. If the noise goes up more than 10 dB with the RF preamp and antenna, you have too much RF gain and the SNR is degraded. Find a clear frequency on your VFO. Set the slice receiver mode to CW and the receiver passband filter to 500 Hz. Turn off any noise reduction, APF, RX EQ that will add gain to the receive audio. Disconnect the antenna - You can select an antenna input with no antenna on it like RXA or XVTA. Note the dBm reading with no antenna connected. Connect the antenna. Note the reading in dBm. This is where an accurate dBm calibrated S meter really counts. Ours is truly 6 dB per S unit and measures the actual receiver sensitivity in the selected bandwidth. If the noise goes up about...

ARRL Field Day 2021

  Contests - 2021 ARRL June VHF Contest - Logs Received Entry received at: 2021-06-27 22:51:40 Call Used: WX7V GOTA Station Call: (NONE) ARRL/RAC Section: NTX Class: 1D Participants: 1 Club/Group Name: Richardson Wireless Klub Power Source(s): Commercial Power Multiplier: 2X Preliminary Total Score: 158 Bonus Points: Entry submitted via web 50 Total bonus points 50 Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: WX7V.dup) CW Digital Phone Total Total QSOs 3 0 48 Total Points 6 0 48 54 Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 108 Submitted by: Chris L White, WX7V


I worked the ARRLs VHF JUNE Contest this weekend. Single Operator, Low Power, 6M Band via Digital Modes (FT8 via WSJT-X and GridTracker logging program). I made my first dozen or so contacts before I remembered to put my WSJT-X in VHF-NA mode. That greatly simplified operations.  Rules for the contest are Grid Square Exchange Only. Signal strength optional (and not recommended during the context).  Cabrillo formatted logs are submitted online via the web app at . I was only able to spend 4 or 5 hours "butt in chair" time and of course my score shows that! This was my very first contest to actually participate and submit logs in.  Special thanks to Joe NN5T for encouragement in the early hours of the context and Jim K5ND for the inspiration and cool roving set up! Operated my station as WX7V with my Flexradio 6400M at 75w and an OCF Dipo...

Simple CQ QSO Template for Beginners and LIDs CQ call / answer RST / Name / QTH Rig / Power / Antenna / WX Thanks / QSL info / 73 Pro-signs have been underlined. BT new section of message AR  signifies the end of the message KN end of your transmission and an invitation to the other station to reply, SK end of the contact and your last transmission to that station. Example CW QSO: ME: CQ CQ CQ DE WX7V WX7V WX7V K JOHN: WX7V DE M0ABC M0ABC M0ABC KN ME: M0ABC DE WX7V BT GA ES TNX FER CALL BT UR RST 599 599 BT NAME IS CHRIS CHRIS QTH DALLAS TX, DALLAS TX BT HW? AR M0ABC DE WX7V KN JOHN: WX7V DE M0ABC BT GA CHRIS TNX FB RPT UR RST 579 579 BT OP JOHN ES QTH YORK YORK THE OLD ONE HI BT HW? AR WX7V DE M0ABC KN ME: M0ABC DE WX7V BT R TNX RPT ES INFO JOHN BT RIG IS FLEX 6400 PWR 100W ANT IS OCF DIPOLE BT WX IS SUNNY ES WARM BT HW? AR M0ABC DE WX7V KN JOHN: WX7V DE M0ABC BT RIG IS FT817 5W ES ANT IS DIPOLE BT WX IS WET AND COLD ...

Flexradio Using FDX to set up TX Audio

Ken Wells, NM9P has posted several good videos showing how to use FDX on the flexradio to hear your own audio signal as it sounds on the air, post processing vs the MON function with is pre-audio signal processing Set up 2 slices on the same frequency and same mode on a clear frequency On Slice A, select that as TX and reduce your RF power to 1 or 2 watts into a dummy load or resonant antenna On Slice B select the RX antenna (blue) to XVTA. Turn On FDX Set the receive volume - when you transmit on Slice A you'll be able to hear your self on Slice B. There will be a slight delay in the received audio.   Use the quick record / playback function built into the flex radio slice if you want to transmit first and listen again.

FlexRadio wiring circuit for Bose QC-25 Headset with MIC Boom (Electret MIC)

The FlexRadio 6400 uses a ‘pseudo-balanced’ MIC input but the manual is not very helpful when it describes this as “ mic (+) and mic (-) lines are balanced all the way to the input of the A/D converter, where the mic (-) line is DC grounded.” Fortunately I was able find this circuit from Dale K4DC on the flexradio community support forum originally designed for the Yamaha CM-500.  This design works with my Bose QC-25 headset (2014) and my Koss SB 45 (2021).   I made two adapters, first one without the 10pF capacitor because I didn’t have one on hand.  I did not notice any impact on transmit audio quality.  I added the capacitor a few days later for permanent use.  I get great audio reports.  Reminder that the electret MIC requires you to enable BIAS voltage in SmartSDR radio set up.  For the BOSE headset I’m using this mic boom adapter (2021): 73 Chris de WX7V Ref...