WX7V/5 RBN Spotting Node (de) Up and Running

I finally got around to setting up RBN Aggregator v6.5 and CW Skimmer 2.1 for my Dallas Station (EM12ou).   I’m using a Flexradio 6400 with 2 bands / 2 slices (usually 20M and 40M).  The RBN Aggregator pulls the spots consolidated by Slicemaster from each of the CW skimmers running.

RX is via a W6LVP amplified receive only magentic loop antenna that provides frequency coverage from below 100 kHz to above 30 MHz with no tuning or adjustment required.  

I ordered mine directly from Larry with an additional 5-pole 1,700 kHz high-pass filter in the preamp to attenuate the strong signals from local AM transmitters in Dallas.  The filter cover from 1,800 kHz (160 meters) through 30 MHz (10 meters).

The 2 band set up will do until I get a dedicated Red Pitaya receive only SDR


Refer to this guide from HamSCI for additional help configuring your node for Flexradio 


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